2022: On closing the physical studio
On Saturday July 23rd 2022 we held our final group classes in the Park Street studio space where we had been gathering through almost every week of every year since 1997, the only break being in the days and months of the Covid-19 exclusions of 2020/21.
Here are the sentences I wrote to accompany our last few hours, read out at the small party we held to mark the occasion.
How deep and sustained the privilege, how profoundly felt, how consistently manifest the experience, and how far we have come… We have been travellers in a room whose Heaven and Earth has conjured into being a studio dazzling in possibilities, of sympathetic practice, of knowing and unknowing and knowing again, yet all by seeming happenstance in guiding us along the many ways of Tao 道 in Continuity.
‘And now… the farewell hours are upon us at last, after twenty-five years. Of the many things I have learned in running classes throughout this time – this generation of time – one would be that by taking practical daily steps, in having an on-going framework, we allow for things both creative and receptive, the very balance of YinYang 陰陽 to have their compass and locus of happening. Likewise, and by their nature, endings and beginnings are horizons of practicality – as we will arrive, so we will depart – acting as an embrace, tender to our learning, our personal history, our friendships… And as much as we may plan for their coming and going, they too will have their instances and spontaneity of happening.
So, now that the physical studio is closed we must find our way in making our practice differently, in different ways and in different places according to our own time and measure.
It is my firm intention to continue teaching; it is my expectation to be able to offer London-based weekend teaching on a semi-regular basis every six to eight weeks. This is likely to be a mixture of group and/or private classes, or workshops on a particular element of my overall syllabus. In addition I will be hoping to lead further residential courses abroad and at home, and depending on circumstances to offer individually tailored and personal retreats in a countryside setting: Come away to be well, and still.
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