Group classes

Group classes run continuously throughout the year with appropriate short breaks taken around public holidays at Christmas and Easter. In order to sustain and commit to the group, classes are payable by the month in advance, except through August when students may pay as they come. Students may also take up to four weeks ‘out’, as holiday, without paying whilst maintaining their place. Classes are generally held in private studio space at London Bridge by Borough Market.
It should be noted that spaces in group classes are limited by availability.
The Saturday morning class is solely for those with experience and is by invitation only.

Please email TREASURE@TIMSTUDIO.CO.UK to ask for further details and directions.

Borough Market
Park Street SE1
Time Tariff
Tuesday 18.30 – 20.00 £17.50 per class monthly in advance.
(£70 per four week month, £87.50 per five week month)
Saturday 11.00 – 12.30 £17.50 per class monthly in advance.
(£70 per four week month, £87.50 per five week month)